I will always aim to stick to our scheduled appointment time, however sometimes previous consultations may run over time. If this ends up being the case, I will send a text message to let you know I may be a little late.
Other people present at our visit
It can be helpful to have your partner/support person around to listen in and provide support to you once the visit ends. Older siblings of your baby are welcome, but ideally if there is a carer for them available this is best to avoid distractions. Grandparents or other close family members that are supporting you may also wish to brush up on their breastfeeding knowledge and are welcome at your discretion.
No need to take notes, I will provide you with some resources to go over once the visit concludes.
It is ideal if your baby feeds during my visit - after all, this is why you have sought my assistance! If you need to feed before my arrival, try half a feed or one side to partially satisfy your little one. If you’ve been using aids such as nipple shields, breast pumps, bottles, expressed breastmilk or formula, please have all of these available. It can be helpful to assess the need for their use and if they are being used in the correct manner. After our visit, I will email you a feeding plan outlining all that we have covered (within 24 hours).
During our visit, there may be times that I will use touch to assess your feeding. This could require touching your breasts and your baby. I will only do this if absolutely necessary and it is my preference to use a hands-off approach where possible. If I do need to give hands-on assistance, I will be as gentle as possible and always ask for your consent prior to doing so.
To get the best out of your consultation, have some questions written down and I will do my very best to address your concerns or direct you to appropriate resources. I aim to provide you with the most up to date evidence-based resources available.
The details of our consultation will remain confidential. I have a digital patient management system where consult notes remain secure. If you require referral to other Health Care Professionals, I will send notes via secure email only after you have consented for me to do so.
Please notify me if there is a household member unwell. As I will be visiting a number of households, it’s important to consider the health of my clients. I will also not visit you if I am unwell and expose your family to illness. It may reassure you to know that I have been vaccinated against whooping cough and COVID 19. I also have annual influenza vaccines protecting myself, my family and yours. I am an essential service however, please understand that if I believe that I may be putting myself or other clients at risk I may elect to do a virtual/phone consult at my own discretion. As part of my terms and conditions I require you to complete a COVID screening tool prior to visiting your home, this will be SMS’ed to you 24 hours before our appointment. Please email me if you have any queries
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, I ask that you notify me 24 hours ahead of time where possible. Please see terms and conditions.
Want to know more
Let me know what you need help with. The more information I have beforehand the better.
Fill in your details and book an appointment online below.
Mobile: 0493 124 080
Email: leanne@carelactation.com.au