Do you come to my home or do I have to come to you?
Yes, all of my visits are carried out right in your own home, with options for follow up sessions via phone/virtual consult. It’s important to me that you feel comfortable and relaxed during our sessions and it allows me to work with your own space and setup - plus I know how difficult it can be trying to get out to appointments with a newborn! As Care Lactation is a new business, a consult room in Warrnambool forms part of future plans if I find the demand is there.
What areas do you visit?
Care Lactation Breastfeeding support services are available for home visits in Warrnambool and throughout the South West of Victoria, including Portland, Port Fairy, Koroit, Winslow, Woolsthorpe, Penshurst, Mortlake, Hamilton, Terang, Camperdown, and Colac.
Locations more than 15km's from the Warrnambool CBD will incur a travel fee - please see my services page for details.
How early should I book in advance?
Booking a prenatal consultation well in advance is advised and should be planned for between 32 - 36 weeks gestation. The nature of my service means that it can be difficult to predict when you may require a postnatal consultation. For this reason, postnatal consults will at times need to be prioritised over prenatal ones and prenatal appointments may be rescheduled by Care Lactation. Your understanding if this happens, is appreciated as when you are needing feeding assistance with a newborn, you need it in a timely manner.
You are very welcome to book in a date and time on my calendar. If there is not an available spot, please contact me and we will work something out.
To book please check my services page or email me using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
Do I need to do anything to prepare before a consultation?
I suggest writing down any questions you have before we meet.
For postnatal visits, it’s ideal if your baby feeds during my visit - after all, this is why you have sought my assistance! If you need to feed before my arrival, try half a feed or one side to partially satisfy your little one. If you’ve been using aids such as nipple shields, breast pumps, bottles, expressed breastmilk or formula, please have all of these available.
Take a look at my consultation information page for more information about what to expect.
What happens during a consultation?
This depends a lot on your individual situation! Take a look at my consultation information page for details of what to expect during a consult, and at my lactation consultation services for topics, we may cover with different packages and stages.
Do you offer Private Health Rebates?
Rebates may be available depending on your level of cover and insurer - please enquire with your fund to see if you have Lactation Consultant cover. If so, receipt of payment can be provided with my IBCLC number.
Can I see you before I have my baby?
Absolutely! My Prenatal Preparation for breastfeeding class is a wonderful way to prepare and educate yourself before your little one arrives and can help set you up for feeding success right from the start.
What feeding concerns can you help with?
Some of the concerns I’m qualified to assist with include:
- one on one prenatal education
- assistance with correct positioning and attachment to the breast
- assessment of a breastfeed
- newborn jaundice and breastfeeding
- breastfeeding a premature baby
- nipple damage/soreness
- mastitis/blocked ducts
- history of breastfeeding problems from a previous experience
- low/over milk supply
- mixed or alternate feeding methods
- normal newborn expectations of feeding
- growth and weight checks for your baby
- expressing and storing your breastmilk
- nipple shield use
- transitioning from bottle or top-up feeds to full breastfeeding
- assistance with breastfeeding aids
- weaning your baby from the breast
- oral restrictions/ties
When should I call a Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)?
If you:
- Are experiencing pain while breastfeeding
- Have damaged nipples that are not improving
- Are having difficulty with your baby waking for feeds
- Find your baby is not gaining weight well
- Feel your milk supply is low
- Think you have too much milk
- Suspect that you have a blocked duct or mastitis
- If you suspect thrush in your baby's mouth or on your nipples
- Are concerned about medications/drugs and breastfeeding
- Are expecting your 1st baby and would like some one on one breastfeeding education before the birth
- Are having another baby and experienced previous breastfeeding difficulties that you hope to avoid
- Have a medical condition or surgical condition that may make breastfeeding more challenging
- Need help with weaning
- Need help with returning to work
If your baby:
- Breastfeeds less than six times in 24 hours in the first four to six weeks
- Is not wetting at least six nappies a day especially in the first six weeks
- Is frequently difficult to wake for feeds
- Is not gaining weight well
- Show signs of thrush
- Seems unhappy at your breast or refuses to breastfeed
- Has a medical or surgical problem that is impacting on the baby’s ability to feed
If you have questions about:
- Any aspect of breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding equipment such as breast pumps and other supplies that are helpful to breastfeeding mothers and infants.
What is an IBCLC?
IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. IBCLC's are the gold standard in specific assistance for parents and baby regarding all aspects of breastfeeding, from prenatal preparation to common concerns to more complex or unusual issues.
IBCLCs are internationally certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE). They must have undertaken a minimum of 95 hours of lactation specific education and 1,000 hours of lactation clinical practice before sitting a four-hour examination to obtain their qualification. IBCLCs must then adhere to professional standards to ensure quality breastfeeding support and are required to recertify every 5 years. This ensures their knowledge is evidence-based and current. With IBCLC, you are certainly in the hands of a Breastfeeding expert. Find more information here: https://ibcle.org
IBCLCs advocate for you when other health care professionals (HCPs) need clarification on anything related to your specific breastfeeding journey. They provide support, understanding and care in what can be a challenging time.
Haven’t answered your question?
Let me know what you need help with. The more information I have beforehand the better.
Fill in your details and book an appointment online below.
Mobile: 0493 124 080
Email: leanne@carelactation.com.au